Declawing a cat may seem like a bit of operation, similar to clipping your fingernails. However, the procedure requires removing bones from the tips of a cat’s toes, which can cause health issues down the road, according to research.

Since the ends of the toes are removed when a cat is declawed, the cat must walk on the soft cartilage that was once part of the joints, which can be painful. As a result of possible prolonged pain, they often gnaw at the stumps of their paws. As an added downside, many cat owners report their feline friends to grow more hostile following the procedure.

In addition, some cats develop claw regrowth or other postoperative issues; thus, the operation is not a perfect solution. Due to these concerns, some cat owners choose non-surgical alternatives to declawing. You can explore a few recommended options on before deciding to get your cat declawed.

1. Training

Scratching is a regular feline activity; therefore, you shouldn’t try to stop it completely. However, you can train your cat to scratch only in good locations and refrain from doing so in inappropriate settings.

First, provide your cat with a wide selection of scratching posts, cat trees, and scratchers made from different materials and strategically placed throughout your home to promote appropriate scratching activities. Praise your cat when it uses the scratching post instead of the furniture or other inappropriate surfaces, and redirect it there when it starts scratching inappropriately.

You should also make the surfaces you don’t want scratched unappealing. You may prevent your cat from scratching in unwanted areas by using double-sided tape, aluminum foil, or spray deterrents.

If your pet scratches you while playing, put them down and leave the room. Your cat will be less likely to scratch you in the future if you ignore their attempts to get their attention.

2. Nail Trimming

There may be a problem with your pet’s nails that causes it to scratch furniture and other surfaces. Consider your table a more expensive emery board; customers are looking for something to help them file down or sharpen their nails, and your pieces fit the bill. Keep your pet’s nails trimmed short to prevent this scratching and to lessen the likelihood of injury from other types of scratching.

If you own a cat, you should get a nice pair of nail clippers and learn how to clip your pet’s nails. A veterinarian or groomer specializing in cats can help you with this task if you are uncomfortable doing it yourself.

3. Nail Caps

If you find that teaching your cat not to scratch is unsuccessful, you can purchase vinyl nail caps to reduce the damage caused. These slick covers can be adhered over your cat’s claws using adhesive, and they are available in various colors, including clear, glitter, and glow in the dark.

The nail caps are generally well tolerated by cats, although it may take some time for your cat to become used to them. Each set of caps can last anywhere from four to six weeks and fall off on their own as your cat’s claws continue to grow.


You cannot know whether or when your cat may sustain an injury or get ill. However, if you have the proper cat insurance coverage, you may protect yourself from expensive veterinary expenditures.